Why you should look out for for motorcyclists and cyclists at junctions?

By Alicia Jarvis
Updated on July 26, 2021


Why should you look carefully for motorcyclists and cyclists at junctions?

They’re harder to see.

Because cyclists and motorcycle riders are smaller than other vehicles, they are more difficult to see. Cars parked at an intersection can easily obscure them from view.



Look out for motorcyclists and cyclists at junctions as they might be difficult to notice, especially when they are approaching from behind, exiting intersections, at roundabouts, overtaking you, or filtering through traffic.

Always keep an eye out for them as you emerge from a junction; they may be arriving faster than you realise.

When turning right across a slow-moving or stationary traffic lane, keep an eye out for bicycles or motorcyclists on the inside of the lane you’re crossing. Be extremely cautious when turning or changing lanes. Check your mirrors and blind spots thoroughly.

Allow lots of space when passing motorcyclists and bikers.


Why do motorcyclists often look round?

Motorcyclists who look over their shoulder may be preparing to pull out, turn right, or change course. Allow them the time and space to do so.


Why should you give motorcyclists plenty of room?

Motorcyclists and cyclists may be forced to avoid uneven road surfaces and obstructions such as drain covers or oily, wet, or icy sections.

Allow them lots of space and pay close attention to any sudden changes in direction they may need to make.