Obstructions in the road

By Alicia Jarvis
Updated on July 28, 2021


What should you do when there’s an obstruction on your side of the road?

Give way to oncoming traffic – If you must pass a parked vehicle on your side of the road, proceed with caution. If there isn’t enough room for both of you to continue safely, you might need to yield to oncoming traffic.


When should you give way to oncoming traffic?

In general, if the obstruction is on your side of the road, incoming traffic takes precedence. However, if the obstruction is on the opposite side of the road, don’t assume you have priority. Always be ready to yield, and keep in mind that the obstruction may conceal something, such as a pedestrian.

The best way to deal with any obstruction is to plan ahead of time and employ the MSM/PSL procedure.

The following factors will influence the decision to wait or go around the obstruction:

  • the road’s type and width
  • if the obstacle is on your side of the road, the opposite side of the road, or both sides of the road
  • whether or not there is oncoming traffic
  • the actions of the drivers who follow
  • the available space


Driving around an obstruction using MSM/PSL

Look ahead to locate the obstacle in plenty of time before utilizing the procedure.

M – Mirrors: Examine your mirrors to determine the speed and location of the following traffic.

S – Signal: If necessary, signal.

P – Position: Determine your stance. Avoid staying so far to the left that you have to steer around the obstacle at the last minute; instead, make a progressive adjustment of course. If you must stop and wait, keep a safe distance from the obstruction and position yourself so that you can see ahead without impeding approaching traffic.

S – Speed: As needed, adjust your speed. This can vary depending on the situation, but attempt to keep your speed under control so that you can steer a stable trajectory.

L – Look: Finally, examine and evaluate the scenario before deciding whether it is:

  • you need to wait 
  • or if it is safe to proceed