Joining a motorway

By Alicia Jarvis
Updated on July 31, 2021


What should you do immediately after joining a motorway? 

Motorways are one of the most stressful parts of driving. Joining a motorway for the first time is daunting, and it can still be stressful even when you’re experienced.

Immediately after joining a motorway, you should stay in the left-hand lane. When you first join a highway, stay in the left lane for a few minutes to become acclimated to the higher speeds of highway traffic before considering overtaking.


Where can you join a motorway?

Making sure you join the motorway at the right point is important. Joining in the wrong place could lead to an accident.

A motorway can be joined where a primary route becomes a motorway. A specifically written sign or junction at any entry point indicates this. A slip road connects to the highway.

Before joining the motorway at an entry point where a slip road goes to it, adjust your speed to that of the traffic currently on it. Priority should be given to traffic currently on the highway.

Join where an adequate space in the left lane exists. Make use of the MSM/PSL procedure. A short sideways glance may be required to confirm the position of other vehicles.

Unless you’re waiting to join other slow-moving traffic, try not to stop at the end of the slip road.

Sometimes there is no need to join by merging at slip roads because the joining lane may continue as a dedicated lane. This layout is usually indicated by signs and road markings.