The Ins and Outs of eco safe driving

By Alicia Jarvis
Updated on July 26, 2021


What does ecosafe driving achieve?

Improved road safety: Eco-safe driving improves road safety while simultaneously being ecologically friendly and useful in lowering your gasoline expenditures because it saves fuel.


How can I drive in an ecosafe manner?


Hazard awareness and planning.

As you drive, you should continually check the surroundings. Make frequent use of your mirrors to inspect the far distance, middle distance, and front, as well as behind and to the sides.

Early detection of possible threats is critical, but simply looking isn’t enough; you must also respond correctly based on what you’ve seen.

You will avoid difficulties if you anticipate problems and take suitable steps to deal with them in plenty of time.


Starting up and driving away 

When starting your vehicle and pulling away, avoid over-revving the engine. Don’t leave your engine running if it isn’t absolutely necessary.

If you’re going to be stationary for more than a few minutes, you should turn off your engine to decrease emissions and noise.

If your car has a stop-start system, ensure sure it is turned on. This will save you the time and effort of turning off and restarting your engine while stuck in traffic.


Keep to the posted speed limit

Exceeding a speed limit by a few miles per hour can result in increased fuel consumption, but more critically, you will be disobeying the law and increasing the chance of a crash.


Cruise control

If cruise control is available, utilise it when appropriate. Cruise control maintains a consistent speed for the vehicle. It has advanced control systems and is extremely fuel-efficient.

It might also assist you in staying within the speed limit. Cruise control should not be used in congested areas or on rainy or slick roads. Remember that when you enable cruise control, your feet may not be in their normal position in regard to the foot controls.


What is ecosafe driving all about?

The emphasis of ecosafe driving is on being aware of potential hazards and planning ahead of time. By looking ahead, you’ll have plenty of time to safely deal with risks and won’t have to brake suddenly. This will also help to protect the environment.

Transport is a necessary component of modern life, yet we cannot overlook its environmental repercussions – both local and regional, as well as worldwide.

As public awareness for environmental protection grows, many automobile manufacturers are investing more time, effort, and resources to the creation of ecologically friendly vehicles.

However, as a driver, you can also assist. If you adhere to the below principles of ecosafe driving:

  • your journeys will be more comfortable 
  • you could considerably reduce your fuel bills 
  • you could reduce those emissions that cause damage to the atmosphere.

Furthermore, as you improve your planning, perception, and anticipation skills, you will become a safer driver.

Whether you’re driving for work or pleasure, try to drive in an eco-friendly manner at all times. Fuel, like all types of power, is expensive and has an environmental impact. Minimising your consumption of gasoline or power is always vital, both for the environment and for your wallet.


However, while it is beneficial to save fuel, you must not jeopardise your own or other road users’ safety in the process.

Road safety is more vital than fuel economy. You should always be prepared to react to changing situations, and it may be necessary to compromise fuel savings for safety.


What are the effects of pollution?

Many people’s health is harmed as a result of air pollution.

Traffic is the most significant source of air pollution in heavily populated places. Road transport accounts for a large amount of total emissions, and how we drive might have an unexpected impact on local air quality.

The unique issue with automobile emissions is that they are at ground level. People with breathing issues, heart illness, or vascular disease are more vulnerable. Furthermore, pollution from motor vehicles affects changes in communities and the landscape, such as:

  • Vegetation damage
  • Building and bridge deterioration and weakening
  • Natural resource depletion
  • Harm to Wildlife

Fuel combustion produces:

  • carbon dioxide, a major greenhouse gas; transportation accounts for roughly one-fifth of the carbon dioxide produced in the UK.
  • nitric oxides; these provide nitrogen to the atmosphere, causing harm and disruption to the ecosystem.

In proper operating order, catalytic converters minimise these pollutants.