Welcome Driver

Learning to drive? We’ve got everything you need to know to become a  driving pro!
From acing your driving tests, to buying and maintaining a car

Practical test

Driving in the rain

What’s the minimum time gap you should leave when following a vehicle on a wet road? Four seconds – Water will impair the traction of your

Theory Test

UK vehicle watch schemes

UK vehicle watch schemes Find a vehicle watch scheme UK Vehicle Watch Schemes Watch schemes are something that a lot of the UK population don’t

Theory Test

Dealing with long vehicles

You’re following a long vehicle as it approaches a crossroads. What should you do if it signals left but moves out to the right?  Long

Theory Test

Tractors on dual carriageways

What type of vehicle uses an amber flashing beacon on a dual carriageway?  There’s quite a few beacons used by vehicles, making sure you know